Sunday 26 June 2011

Why Your not Ready for Pointe

Many girls aspire to go En Pointe, from the early stages some girls being three and going on to girls in their teens. One of the most frequently asked questions is 'When will I go En Pointe?' or 'Am I ready for Pointe?' there is an answer to this. If your not en pointe now, then your teacher does not think you are ready. The time could be soon. Days, weeks, months or even years away. Only your teacher can tell you if you are ready. Some girls can be ready for pointe within' months of just starting. Whilst many other girls take years. Girls should not be allowed en pointe unless they are over 12 years of age, this is because the bones in the feet are still growing and if they go onto pointe when their feet are not ready their growth will be affected and it may cause deformities into the feet.

Your teacher may not let you onto pointe for a couple of reasons.
You may not be getting enough lessons; most studios like the students (when they're close to the age) to have 3 lessons a week around 1 and a half hours long. Turnout; if you don't have the correct turnout, when you go en pointe if your feet are turned in your ankles may collapse and break. Strength; you not only need strength in your feet and ankles, but also in your legs and core, the core holds it all together. Releve; you need to be able to hold a simple demi releve on flat before you can even think about going en pointe, pointe is all in releve, boom, all the way to the top and if you can't hold a demi pointe then your not going to be able to hold sur les pointe.

I say, save the stress and pain and wait until your teacher gives you the green light okay. This keeps everyone healthy and happy. You may not be happy now, because your not en pointe, but when you break your ankle, I'm sure you'll be regretting it and even less happy now, because you won't be able to dance for a while, maybe you'll never be able to dance again.
Wait and the time will surely come. (Although pointe is not for everybody, sometimes your feet's infrastructure can not hold it all and withstand the pressure. Sometimes your feet will never be strong enough, but keep trying.) Whilst these beautiful shoes may look harmless, one wrong move can destroy everything.

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