Friday, 19 August 2011

Warming Up

Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, just been forgetting to, been so busy. I passed my exams :) With one point from Highly Commended D: Nooo!
But that's not the point of this post, the point (Get it pointe! Haha, no it's not about Pointe.) of this post is warming up, some girls think, yeah I'll run around for a bit do some starjumps, 3 stretches and I'll be fine. Yeah, it's enough... NO! IT'S NOT ENOUGH! (Hence, demon voice)
It's definetly not enough, this will cause you to get injuries.
You must be careful with things like this, many girls under work themselves, they don't warm up enough but some girls just over work their whole body and this is over warming themselves up. It's so unecessary and just plain hurts!

Some good ideas to warm up are:
- Run around or jog for 5/10 minutes before class
- 20 starjumps
- 20 push-ups (can be girl push-ups)
- Your stretching routine (search up some good ones on youtube, or I'll create a post on stretching later on)

I know this is a really short post, but they are just some ideas :)
I'll try to post for often. Well, signing off now.

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